Saturday, August 25, 2012

20 weeks...Halfway there!

So since I am about to fly down to Florida...I decided to hold off on posting my pic for this week.  A bit of a surprise for all the folks I'll be seeing very shortly!
I am halfway through my pregnancy!  I can't believe how fast it has gone.  As many of you know by now, we are expecting a little boy in January.  We have also decided his name...

Leo Kipling Weaver
We are both very happy with our choice and can't wait to welcome little Leo into the world.  
Now, I'm not going to leave all of you nice people out there without any pictures.  Without further ado, here is our LW...

This was the first picture announcing to us he was a boy!  We had to have the tech explain where "everything" was.
 This one we could tell a little easier.
Aww...his feet!  I wish it was a better picture but I still love those little toes.
He looked at us in this picture...a lil' creepy. :-)

But than he started yelling at us!!  AGHHH!  I am a little scared of my little boy in this picture. LOL
 For the last one...this is a bit closer up of his profile again.  I like that he has his chin tucked closer to his chest in this one.  I am so excited to meet him!
See you in Florida!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! A non-fuzzy picture!! (in terms of ultrasound pics at least). SO CUTE!!! It never ceases to amaze me to think about the miracle of birth and that he is lounging (that's what it looks like he's doing) inside of you right now. I love him already!! :-) And the face-on pics always freak me out a little. He looks like Jack from Nightmare before Chrismtas! lol
