Sunday, December 30, 2012

37 weeks...Full term!

I am full term and Leo can come anytime he wishes now!  I'm not trying to evict him but it is a relief that we have crossed this milestone...
I measured for 38 weeks at my appt. this week although the midwife thought Leo was sticking his butt out right where she was measuring so he might have been adding the extra cm. His heart rate was at 130 which is within the normal range and his movement is good...great really.  I had a parent at school notice Leo moving around and she wasn't even that close to me! Of course, it is very obvious to me and I can't help but stop and watch all of his movements.
Now that I am full-term I thought it would be fun to start an arrival date poll!
I believe I have said I think he is coming on Jan 21st (and have thought that since getting pregnant); however, if he doesn't come then I am betting on sometime in December.  Why you may ask?  
To that I will have to relay some family history...
For my bloodline, December is like a magnet for births.
Grandma Hess- Dec 1st
Luke- Dec 3rd (cousin once removed)
Dad- Dec 7th
 Cousin Keith and Nephew Tiernan- Dec 21st
Paisley- Dec 23rd (cousin once removed)
Mom- Dec 25th
(I think I got everyone if not I'm sorry....pregnancy brain)
I posted a poll on Facebook and this is what the world has to say about Leo's arrival...

My parents have been in town this week since Tuesday.  It's been nice having them around although between my last week of work and Dr's appts I haven't gotten to spend as much time with them as I would like.  Next week my sister Carol and my nephews will be coming into town late on Christmas night. 
On the labor front, I have started some natural methods to progress labor such as Red Raspberry Leaf Tea (helps strengthen contractions which in turn makes them more effective in progressing dilation and are supposed to help during labor as well), walking, and EPO (evening primrose oil).  I can't wait to meet this little guy but I know in the end he will come when he wants to.
Merry Christmas everyone!  

Friday, December 21, 2012

36 weeks

Four weeks till the due date, 1 week till Leo is full-term, and I am already growing out of my clothes!
I just might have to make this post my complaint post.  I love being pregnant and I would take on even more "inconveniences" for the miracle we get to take home at the end but... 
That said, pregnancy is no picnic either... particularly in the 3rd trimester!

Here are a few of my complaints.
I'm beginning to feel like just a big belly and hair, (I really need to cut my hair but I refuse to until Leo gets here!) 
I find it VERY HARD to get up and down out of chairs, seats, off of the floor, etc.
Leo likes to jab his foot underneath my right ribs and it just doesn't feel good!
 I want to wear cute shoes again!
I can't bend over to pick something up without first bracing my legs about a mile apart and placing my hand on a nearby object to TRY and keep steady.
I would love to move without letting a groan or exasperated sigh involuntarily escape my lips.
I have had to come to accept the fact that I actually am a messy eater I just never had anything to catch all the food I was dropping... the stains on my shirts prove it : /
I am tired of Doctors, midwives, hospitals, and anything related with these things.
I want to wear my wedding rings again!
I would like just ONE center of gravity, staying balanced is confusing with two.
Working is becoming harder and harder with more moments of sheer confusion over what is going on as my brain is slowly being taken over by...aliens? How do women work all the way to their due date?!
SO very tired of my pelvis hurting.
Did I mention the foot in my ribs or when it is not there but poking out of my right side? 
Tired of gestational diabetes and pricking my fingers 4x's a day...
Tired of tests and inevitably getting bad news from them (a girl can only take so much!)

With all of that and then some, I am thankful for Leo and that I get to help bring him into this world.
I've been blessed and I know it!

Some updates
I passed my last teaching test (Early Childhood Education) and will be able to get a renewable Oregon teaching license...YAY!  No more stressing over that or having to study.  Now I can focus on marking all of the other tasks off of my list of things to do (which mainly consists of baby prep things!)
 Nesting here I come!

I couldn't write about this week and not mention the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary.  Maybe because I am pregnant or because I am a teacher or because I am human but this struck me at some base level in a way that I can not even begin to describe my feelings.
My prayers, thoughts, and heart go out to the families left behind to deal with their losses.  I have to believe that those sweet little angels are in a better place with God where they can no longer feel the pain and disappointments that are a part of living.
Rest in Peace


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

35 Weeks

Only 5 weeks left!  It is hard to believe that in just over a month I will have a baby.  This whole experience still seems surreal at times though I'm not sure why that surprises me...
with my sisters' having their first babies it was always surreal as well, even after the baby had arrived.  I've been so encompassed by the pregnancy part of having a baby that it has only been in the past week or so that I have started really picturing the next stage.  I can't wait to hold him in my arms and see what he looks like.  
So my friend Beth took my 35 weeks maternity pictures which was a fun experience and I loved the outcome.  Here are some of my favorites!  If you want to check out any of Beth's other photos visit her website here.  

In addition to pictures this week, Evan and I took a tour of the hospital labor & delivery and also the mother & baby ward.  The rooms seem pretty cozy which is nice and I feel like I am a little more comfortable now, knowing where I will be once I go into labor.  We also received a decision about whether or not I have GD... apparently due to my first test (from 2 months ago) I DO have GD even though my numbers taken daily were fine, whilst I was not on the GD diet.
That diagnosis rules me out of the waterbirth I've dreamed of for so long but I will still be able to labor in the tub right up until having to push.  So better than nothing I guess.  In order to have the inflatable tub (which is deeper) in the room we had to attend the waterbirth class... which was mainly tortuous.  I knew pretty much everything they told us and they kept on going over all the wonderful benefits of actually birthing in the water, which due to their stupidity I will not be doing. :-/
On a much happier note, we finally got our Christmas tree!!  It is a very tree too so we are enjoying it.  We decorated it and I bought a cinnamon broom so now there is a pleasant mix of evergreen and cinnamon which is so nice and inviting to come home too.  My working days are coming to a close (at least before Leo's arrival) I currently only have one more job scheduled on Tuesday, a Dr's appt tomorrow and next Thursday, a test this Friday and school ends for the holidays next Thursday.  I might be able to squeeze in a few jobs the week before Leo is due but that will depend on how I am doing. 
 We are almost to the 37 week (full-term) mark when it will be okay for Leo to come!  We finally have some decorations in the "nursery corners" as I like to fondly call Leo's areas in our bedroom. Here are a few pictures of his "nursery" and our Christmas tree!  Love to you all!     

Sunday, December 9, 2012

34 Weeks

Not a great picture but this is it for 34 weeks....  I have a photo shoot for my 35 weeks with a friend from Mooberry ES.  She is a photographer and does beautiful pics so I am looking forward to documenting this incredible time in my life.   Not much happening this week just trying to get through the week of long days and lots of cleaning.
I am feeling sad that the Christmas tree is not up yet and won't be for at least a week.  I'm ready for Christmas cheer and it just doesn't feel like Christmas until the house is decorated.  I have been planning a list of things to do before next weekend and it just seems to get longer and longer by the second!  I hope we will find the time to get at least some of it done.  
I did have my 34 week appt. this week and I am measuring perfectly.  34 cm = 34 weeks!  It is hard to believe there is only 6 more weeks left until his due date!  Next week I'll start taking guesses on when everyone thinks he will arrive... 
 Thought I'd leave you with a pic of BB "sitting" on my baby bump.  My bump is almost as big as BB! It gets harder and harder to hold him since I have to squish him up and hold him OVER my belly but he wouldn't have it any other way.  I have managed to keep him from jumping on me...luckily!
Love you all!