Dearest Junebug, (
written mostly in June, fine tuned in September, and pictures added in April)
You turned 1 not so long ago and, like many things, I am late in writing this letter to you... I have always lived by the rule that it IS "better late than never", I'm sure you'll grow to appreciate this.

There have been so many times this year that I look at you and wish I had more time to focus on you. I know you are loved and happy but I also know that I am not doing as much for you as I was for your brother at this point. It is part of the dilemma of being a younger sibling... but as a younger sibling, I can guarantee that having older siblings means a lot more love, built in playmates, and having a friend for life. I hope that will more than make up for any attention deficits on my part. As my second child, I will always worry
that I am not giving you enough attention... just know that I am trying and I love you every bit as much as your brother.

Soon we will have more time to hang out, just the two of us. I am hoping it will give you that attention I know you need and crave. I am also hoping it will give me more time to appreciate you, to notice all the little intricacies of your personality, and to shower you with more love. I have been trying (and will continue to try) to lay the foundation for a lifetime of listening and talking to you. You are so beautiful and vibrant in your desires... you know what you want and you let us know (loudly!), our little screech owl.

This year has gone by so fast. You were here so suddenly and there were many days where I struggled just to do the bare minimum to keep us all alive and I am just now getting to the point where I feel like I have energy available for anything other than prepping for nap time! I have loved watching you grow this past year. You are definitely your own person...unique and smart. You are talking more and more and using more sign language as the days go by. When you are adamant about getting something... whether it be "more" of something or your own turn with a toy your brother is using... you look us in the eye and sign more "maa" OR you screech "MAi" aka "Mine" (and... yes all of these sound very similar and like my name, Mama).

You are so sweet and are always giving hugs and kisses. You love to dance and your whole body starts going when you like a song. You are already trying to jump and sometimes you can get your heels off the ground! You love, LOVE to bounce on beds, the trampoline, or just be in our arms while we hop and dance around the room. I am loving watching you
blossom into an imaginative young toddler. You cradle your dolls, try
to "put on" clothes (holding them under your chin), you make any object that looks like a rocket blast off into space with your adorable sound-effects, you sometimes even try to fit inside doll houses
and sit on doll furniture. You are and
have been the sweetest baby.

It is hard to believe that just one year ago you entered my life,
on the last day of work, of a long and emotional school year. I had
hopes of having a VBAC with you and everything seemed to be going okay
but I was thwarted once again and had to have a c-section. Your birth
and your brother's were completely different though... I got to see you
as they pulled you out... I got to snuggle your sweet face and

hair within minutes, I was able to talk to you and reassure you that
you were safe. You were so calm, so quiet in those moments. I'll never
forget how those moments both grieved me (for those moments I lost with
your brother) and healed something inside me in the same instant. In the days that followed, your very chill
demeanor was proven to be a part of who you are. As an infant, you
would sometimes just gaze at your pajamas (the patterns or pictures) and
sit for 20 mins in your bouncer like that. As a toddler, you can
entertain yourself for quite awhile... especially when you get interested
in the kitchen set or the toy corner. You are a very
independent little soul... not to say that
you don't need affection and contact and lots of love (you love your snuggles) just that you are
comfortable hanging out with your own thoughts and imagination. I cannot wait to see what this upcoming year has in store for us.

This year, and the year before
your arrival, were two of the most challenging years of my life but
they were also the two years that you became a part of my life, and for
that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. You are so beautiful
and unique in your little self. To get to be here, to see you learn
and grow.... well, my sweet baby... that is priceless. From the top of
your precious little head to the tips of your toes, I love you.
Your Mama
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