My dearest little man,
March 2016 |
Jan 2017 |
Four sounds so old but when compared with five... well, I am trying to enjoy that you are still in the preschool age group. "Five" sounds like elementary school and I just can't come to terms with that idea right now. You are still my sweet baby boy.
Easter and 1st time dying eggs |
So handsome |
Swab the decks! |
Our little artist |
Mother's Day |
For Mama... just because. |
Puzzles! |
Fun with friends |
Father's Day love |

Lincoln City Kite Festival |
Robot! |
Your first time at the fair! You loved the rides. |
Strong man! |
Always taking the leap of faith... |
climbing trees... |
pushing boundaries... |
soaring high. |
*You... after an hour spent dismantling our bed than putting on my pj pants. |
As of your 4th birthday, you dropped those pesky naps that, for the couple of months before you dropped them, would just cause us to have a "battle of the wills". You would get into bed easy enough (most days) but then you would do things like dismantle all of the bedding (and you were in our bed) so that included shaking the pillows out of their cases, kicking the sheets and comforters off the bed, taking the fitted sheet off and usually stuffing something inside the pillow cases to make it extra hard for me to just put everything back together again. I was desperately clinging to those naps because I wasn't sure how to occupy you while I had your sister napping (in my arms). Some days you would eventually fall asleep but more often than not you would just win the battle... no sleep, big mess and a tired and battle-weary mama. By December, your naps would generally just end with us both in tears and it was time to give them up. Of course... there was the occasional nap that ended with laughter because sometimes that is all you can do when times get tough. (*see pic of you in my pj pants) I love you so much and hated all our fighting.
Now back to the beginning of this past year of your life....
Our little padawan |
That's right... stand up to evil! |
Mimi's gift to remember his Star Wars dance |

You started a dance class this year... it was an all boys class and you performed a very cool Star Wars dance at the recital, complete with light sabers and all. You enjoyed the class although it was right after nap and you were never in a very good mood when I dropped you off for it. The recital was pretty cool and you did a great job with your parts. I was so proud of you for working hard and then going out on that stage. You did an amazing job too!
Summer time always brings garden days, dirty feet, fun day and weekend adventures, and visitors from Florida...
We had a trip to Sun River with Nana, Pap, Uncle Seth, Mimi, Aunt Emily and S and R... we stayed in a big house and you loved the pool table. We were able to ride bikes and you even got to ride a horse! We also had 4th of July celebrations with friends and a trip to the coast to see some really cool kites (which you thought were pretty amazing).

Then it was our turn to fly! We went to Florida in August and we were able to have some playdates
with my friends there and their children (some of whom were newborns!)
It was a lot of fun and we even got to stay at the beach. You had a
great time on the boogie board until you got tumbled by a wave (SUPER
scary for mama btw) You were alright it was just a new and scary
experience for you (and me!).
Dada wasn't able to come with us but you were so happy to see him when we got home! |

In September, we visited Oktober Fest in Mt. Angel and hiked at Silver Falls. You hiked the entire way for our Silver Falls hike and even though we had to get through the end of the hike using something we like to call "poot power". You made it... and it was not short or easy.

You also started preschool in September which you were very excited about and loved going to class. You were (are) very interested in being friends with the many different people in your class. A few students struck you as the coolest ones to be friends with right away but you also told me some of the girls were "not nice to you and said you couldn't play with them" after the first week. :-( It is hard to know what to do or say as a parent in that situation. I want you to be included but I also want you to find your niche... your place where you will be appreciated for who you are. Life is full of rejections so I am doing what I can to guide you through these early ones. You basically just have to learn how to handle rejections and don't let them keep you down.
For Halloween this year, you went as Iron Man and
loved it when Dad played the Iron Man theme song. You would stomp around
and pretend to shoot things with your lasers.
such a helpful,caring big brother |

Now let me tell you a little bit about your budding personality...
On the Polar Express Train... you met Santa and told him you wanted a bb gun. |
You are sweet... you still love to cuddle and tell me you love me.

You are the best big brother... you help your sister, you read to her, and you are sad when she is not around (most of the time). When we pick you up from preschool, she is the one to get the first hug and you are so excited to show her off to your friends at school. You are a proud big brother and I love that about you.

You are funny... at this moment being funny trumps almost everything else. You LOVE to make people laugh. Me, your dad, your sister, friends, and all of our family... it makes you shine when you get someone to laugh at you.
You are smart and you pay attention to the little details... I am amazed at what you learn from listening to audio books in the car, or watching Wild Kratts, or just listening to what is going on around you. You pick up on things that are far beyond basic comprehension and I love hearing how you analyze the new information you are taking in. Stay sharp and you'll do okay in life.
We got a bike trailer...for ten dollars!! |

Christmas season brought lots of fun things such as a trip on the Polar express and visitors! On the not so fun list that the cold weather brought was a case of pneumonia. Mimi, Papa, Aunt Carol, Uncle Niles, and all your cousins were here just a few weeks before your birthday (for Christmas and New Year's). We all went and stayed in a big house on Mt. Hood and had lots of fun playing in the snow outside. You loved the snowball fights and building snowmen with m&m eyes. We also went tubing and had a great time flying down the hill! I am pretty sure you would like to just live in that big house with all of your cousins there, all of your family members would probably make you explode with happiness.
Happy Birthday Mimi!! |
Christmas morning! |
Jan 2017 |
Feb 2014 |
This was an incredibly snowy winter and we were able to go sledding outside the apartments just like when you were a year old. It was so much fun and brought back lots of great memories of when you were so tiny. We made some new good friends this past year and we were lucky enough that they were neighbors as well. They were able to join us for sledding which made it even better!
You are growing up so fast. |
You were soooooo excited for your birthday this year. You
had plans for where you wanted it (the bowling alley jungle maze), who
you were going to invite, what kind of food and cake, and you also had a
list a mile long about what you wanted for your gifts. It was a really
fun birthday and most everyone enjoyed themselves. Your Nana, Pap and
Uncle Seth were all here to enjoy the fun.
Then just like that you are 4. My happy, energetic, passionate, silly, intelligent little guy... You make me happy and proud on a daily basis and while we will (and already do) clash on occasion, you will always be my baby.

I love reading this. I loved seeing him in the recital and standing up against evil and I agree that he and I would be very happy all living together in that big house.