Dearest Leo,
2 years old |
3 years old |
I keep having thoughts about
you and your life and thinking how young you seemed when I look back to just

year ago and also how old I thought you were at the time. I am realizing
how fast it all goes... that the little boy you are today is not the
same one you will be in a few months. Elements of your uniqueness will
remain, of course; but you are developing new ideas and you have
experiences you can draw from to create new meaning for yourself about
the world around you. You no longer rely on me or your daddy to form
your background knowledge (at least not on everything). When we argue,
you have logic I did not supply you with and even in the midst of being
impressed with your mind... I find it incredibly frustrating. Yes, my
beautiful, strong-willed, smart, silly son... we have reached that point
in our relationship where the frustrating and hair-pulling days often
outweigh the mild, harmonious days. It really just depends on the week... but we are both learning. Always learning. I miss the old days to a
degree but I find a challenge in these days like I never had before.
You remind me that in order to be good enough for you, I need to
continuously reassess my methods, my attitude, and the example I am
setting for you. I believe I am on the road to being a better person
because of you.
Hot enough to get an early start on swimming |
Taking good care of our strawberry plants. |
At daycare, taking a nap. |
First time bowling! |

This past year has been one of
enormous changes for you... you started daycare, we potty trained you a
little after you turned 2, moved you out of your crib a month later
(hello big boy bed), you finished daycare, we gave you a little sister
very soon after that (and your time with Mama alone definitely
diminished quite a bit). This year has been one of pushing limits. You
are struggling to see where your boundaries are. Now that you are 3 you are officially a "big boy". You ask when you will be big enough to watch Superman and Batman and other shows of a similar ilk. Soon enough, my son, soon enough.
Hiking with Dada |

You are so very sweet (most of the time)... you often spontaneously tell me how much you love me and give me sweet hugs and kisses. I savor those moments as I know you won't always display your love for me with such candor.
On a Mama date in May |
Your sister absolutely adores you and her face just lights up at your silly little antics. It is not all smooth sailing but in general you two are often in cahoots. :) I hope that your relationship with your sister stays strong and that the bond you two are forming carries you through many life stages together. I know you are an amazing big brother and I love the way you love her. <3 br="">3>

As this has been one of the busiest, most stressful and life-altering years of my life, I know it had to have been hard on you too. You grow so fast, sometimes (particularly when holding a newborn in one hand and trying to keep track of the amazingly fast speed of which you grow and change) I just want to hit the pause button and enjoy you and your uniqueness where you are. I love you little man.
My 3rd Birthday |
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