Friday, July 5, 2013

Dear Leo

Where do I start, little man?  We've had some hard times these past five months! Some good times too but... you are not easy on me, but most good things in life aren't easy so there is always that. ; )   
I never thought I would give up all dairy for anybody (Milk, Ice cream, CHEESE!)...but I have, for you... and I will remind you of that as you get older when you claim I never did anything for you. : )
Right now, you are very curious about the world around you and you want to be a part of everything you see.  You don't even want to sleep you are so excited about your new discoveries.  I hope this fighting sleep thing is just a phase.  I even daydream of your teenage years when I won't be able to get you out of bed all day...
  You watch my food very intently when I am eating and have started practicing by smacking your lips and working on your hand to mouth coordination.  You only started that a few days ago and for the first 2 days you would just do it over and over again but with very little control, essentially punching yourself in the mouth, lol.  You move slower now though with more precision and purpose.  You have even made the pincher grasp while doing it.  Cheerios are in your near future...  
You are still being stubborn about turning over.  You turned from belly to back one time in Florida while trying to see the TV behind you but have yet to show your Daddy what you can do.  You would much rather pretend to be Superman flying though the sky or (as your cousin Sara has observed) you often look like you are trying to swim when you are on you belly.  
You are very strong and can hold your head, arms, and legs off the ground for a good 10 minutes (pretty sure you have me beat there).  You love, love, LOVE to stand.  You look so proud of yourself when you stand up... I think you would run off to play if you could figure out how to make it happen.
We are working on sitting up right now and you get better and better at it every day.  You are still a weeble wobble but can usually sit unsupported for at least a few seconds before you topple over.

Your smile lights up the room and your cries are especially pitiful, I feel horrible when you are hurt and I love when you giggle.  Hearing you giggle makes me want more, I feel very greedy and try to get more out of you but right now it is still very fleeting so I have to take what I can get.  You are growing up so quickly I can hardly believe you are going to have your half-birthday soon!      

I am still waiting for an "easier" stage... do you know when that might be?  I bet you would tell me if you could talk... sometimes I feel like what you are thinking is so very obvious, (you have a very expressive face) I don't actually need to hear it aloud.
Well this is all the letter I have energy for right now.  I need to get to bed so that you can wake up five minutes after I lay down and every couple of hours from midnight until dawn.  Good-night my sweet baby love, sleep tight (and soundly for a full 8 hours after mommy goes to sleep!)
Love, Mamamamama        

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