Hey Junebug,

You are just days away from being 5 months old! I am in denial that you are getting so big (fitting into 6-9 month clothes!). Not only are you a sweet chubby smiley little baby but you are also hitting the milestones with amazing accuracy and speed. You have started scooting backwards, you are able to turn over (both ways), you can briefly get your belly off the ground and do a little rocking, you can sit-up on your own! (still a little shaky... but you aren't even 5 months yet!), and your belly laugh fills our days with joy.
Lots of fun times with Mimi |

This month we had visitors! Your Mimi and Papa came just before your 5th month and were here until you were almost 5 months! (or at least Mimi was) Nana and Pap also came to visit and got to be here for your 1st Halloween. We had lots of fun with all of our visitors. We went bowling, trick-or-treating, watched the Florida vs. Georgia game, went to OMSI, we went apple-picking (a first for all of us!) and just had fun hanging out together. You have a lot of people who love you, sweet girl.
First time in a swing! |
Those cheeks... |
I love a lot about being your mama but one of my favorite things right now is how you act when you are about to be fed during our co-sleeping. I lay you down and get ready to lay on one side or the other. As I hover over you deciding which side, you curl your whole little body up (feet, arms, hands) all reaching for me. If I change sides you follow me, like a little roly poly with a magnet on your chest. It is adorable and I love it.
A picture to match big brother's... |

This upcoming month will most likely bring some solids (rice cereal and maybe a fruit or two). You are VERY interested in big people food. You are constantly watching the food's path from plate to mouth and you have actually attempted to swipe food right out of my hand before it gets to my mouth but as of yet you have not been successful. I think there is a good chance you will be crawling in the next month or two but only time will tell.
(I wrote the above post almost a month ago! I'm just adding the pictures and here ya go...)
5 months? that was easy :-) |
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