Dearest Junebug,

How are you already 4 months old? You are growing so fast... you are quickly developing your ability to grab at toys, faces, or anything you want to touch. You smile all the time and laugh when something amuses you. You like your tummy tickled and you love to just smile back at me, dada, or big bro when we smile and talk to you. You coo and hum when you talk... such a sweet little voice. When you are taken from your food source too early you often let out a little squeal of disapproval, it is so cute.

In just about every way, you are a very easy going baby. You sleep well, you travel amazingly (most of the time), you are not as calm at the Doctor's office as your brother was (or is) but I think that is more typical. You love hanging out with me, just resting in my arms as I wander around the house picking up clothes or toys... it will calm you down and often put you to sleep. You like the stroller most of the time and will hang out with your feet up or you will coo at your bunny toy that hangs from the handle of your car seat. You are a chunky little monkey and your 4 month stats are Height 26.25" (97%), Weight 17lbs 15.7 oz (96%). Love those kissable cheeks!

You have rolled over once from front to back with your dada at the park and you are so close to rolling over from back to front. You get on your side and just haven't made the final push to landing on your front, I think it will be pretty soon. You enjoy tummy time for about 20-30 mins if you are in a good mood to start but after that you start getting fussy. I usually let you fuss a little before moving you, I want you to know how to put up a fight even when you are not feeling it. I can't wait to get to know you more little Junebug. Everyday more pieces of your personality shine through and I just can't wait to see what you have to teach me...
I love you sweet baby girl!
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