Everyday you grow and get smarter. You amaze me with your kindness, your sense of humor, and your energy. You are learning new things at daycare and I am always amazed at how much you understand about life and the world around you.
Just the other day we were reading (singing) the Blowing in the Wind book and I was pointing out the guitar in a few of the pages. The last page has a little girl bending over the broken guitar and the little boy handing her the red ball he has had the entire book. There is nothing else. You stopped me from turning the page and stared at the picture and said "she sad?" and I responded with "yes because the guitar is broken" and you repeated what I said while staring at the picture, as if trying to memorize it and imprint it on your soul. I started to turn the page and you stopped me again and asked "What he doing?" I said he was trying to give her the ball because he knew she was sad and wanted to make her feel better. Again you repeated what I said and stared at the page. I could just see the wheels turning in your head. You repeated the entire "story" I had told you a few more times, then finally let me turn the page and finish the book. Of course, you asked me to read it again so I did. When we got to the page with the broken guitar you shared the story and reasoning behind the picture (a few more times). The next night, as I was reading it again, you stopped me and I let you tell your Dada what the story was. You repeated it exactly like the night before but you added in a few details like "She crying", "they can't fix it", and "she doesn't want the ball". You are working so hard to figure out this world we live in and I am so very happy to be here beside you as you process. It won't always be as easy as me explaining a picture but I will always do my best to guide you. It is memories like these that I feel like I will forget if I don't write them down. I am sure I have already forgotten some of them. The thought makes me sad but you are the sum of your experiences whether you (or I) remember every last one of them. They will build upon each other far into a future I can't see. I believe you are becoming an amazing little person, with a great personality, and a wonderful sense of compassion. I love you my sweet little guy, every second, every day.
You are going through so many changes right now... and every change seems to make you more of a little boy and less my baby : ( We potty trained at the end of March and you have done such a good job with it. You are still working at it to some degree but accidents are rare and I'm just amazed at how fast you picked it up!
In early May, we got you a "big boy bed" (twin mattress on the floor) and while you look so tiny in it... you wanted to sleep in it the first night and had Dada take apart your crib the second night. I'll admit, I think you were more ready for that step than I was. That first night you woke up a lot, mainly because you were sick with a fever, and you just about scared the crap outta me when at 2:30 a.m. I was woken up by a little toddler trying to climb up into my bed. When I opened my eyes you smiled and said "I woke up and said time to get up! I tried to turn off fan but I can't." Then when I asked why you woke up you said "I wet." I had forgotten about how cribs kept you nicely in one place... I'm still trying to get over the shock of seeing you waking me up!
Bottles are the next item on the hit list for "baby" things. You only have them before going to sleep and when you wake up but we are running out of bottles that work and I'm not buying new ones. I have some sippy cups but you are still enjoying the bottles so I haven't put up a real fight yet. One thing for sure is that you LOVE to snuggle! I hope that doesn't change as I know my snuggle time with you will be somewhat limited with the arrival of your baby sister. If you can make it through the first two months I know we will get into a nice routine with consistent snuggles, from Mama, for all. :)
You are so excited about your baby sister. Your teachers at daycare tell us how you share information about your little sister and how you are going to be a big brother. You talk about how you are going to show her everything. You sing Baby Mine to my belly and you bring flowers to both Ruby and I when you find little dandelions or daisies. You like to try and feel for Ruby and ask if I can make her move again. I hope we have done everything we can to prepare you for this huge life-changing event. It scares me that you might feel left-out or lonely but as the youngest of three, I also know how amazing it is to have siblings. In fact, I have never known a world without my siblings so I know that giving you a sister will eventually be a good thing (even if the first few months, years?,will be hard). You already love your little sister and I can't wait till you meet her, face to face.

My sweet angel... you made me a mama and you are everything I could have hoped for. I love you so much.

You are going through so many changes right now... and every change seems to make you more of a little boy and less my baby : ( We potty trained at the end of March and you have done such a good job with it. You are still working at it to some degree but accidents are rare and I'm just amazed at how fast you picked it up!

A recent shot of you flying high... It took a little bit of hemming and hawing but with just a little encouragement from us and a few nervous giggles from you, you jumped! I hope you always feel like this when you've conquered a fear, overcome a challenge, and risen above whatever is troubling you. You are amazing.
Love Always and Forever,
Your Mama
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