Dearest Leo,

A few new things you have been doing...
You love singing. Your song repertoire consists of (but is not limited to) Baby Mine, Dooley, If I had a Hammer, Twinkle Twinkle, In the Jungle, Take me Out to the Ballgame, Blowin' in the Wind, Jesus Loves Me, Amen... I could go on but you get the drift. I am sometimes so surprised because I will pause in a song and you will fill in the word! It surprises me because I didn't know you knew every word but you actually do...

You really love going to Gymboree and when I tell you we are going you say "Gymborwe Day, Hooway!"
This year (although not your first) still had many "firsts" for you. First haircut, first days away from Mama, first bike ride, first camping trip, first bike, first sentences... you went from walking to running in no time flat and that is exactly how it feels watching you are grow up.

Ready to be a big brother! |
You've recently decided that you like Mama's tea so we have had tea a few times together and you are so sweet. You hold a conversation with me and do your best to drink when I drink and to hold your cup just like I do. I hope we can always have moments like that.
Just before my baby turned 2... |
2nd Birthday Party (Blue's Clues!) |
One day I hope you will look at me and have some understanding of how much I love you. I know (from experience) how hard it is to fathom a parent's love before you are one yourself... definitely possible but hard. I was thinking today about my life just 3 short years ago... Before you were a physical part of my life... you were definitely there my son, my heart wished and prayed for you daily. I am so blessed that I get a front row seat to you.
Mama Anna
My Mama
(and my favorite) Mama mine : )
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