Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Half-Birthday!

6 months!  Has it really been that long?  I feel like you just got here... I can hardly believe how much you have grown  (22.9 lbs! and 28.25" height)  You are about to outgrow your 9 month clothes and you are still on the verge of crawling.  You are closer then you were and have even managed to scoot forward a tiny bit but you don't do it with enough regularity to call it crawling...  I am amazed by your tenacity though.  All you are trying to do is figure out the required movements...if it were just strength you would already have it.  You sit up like a pro and your Dr. was very impressed...particularly for a baby of your size.  He said that (generally) bigger babies have a harder time with their center of gravity.

Your personality has become more and more vivid.  You are very good-natured and chill... at least until about 6:00 pm, then you are done. (see description in the next paragraph.) We call it "pumpkin time".   The other night I was feeding you some pears and you started looking at me funny so I started asking you "No?  You don't want any?  No?" (while shaking my head)  You started to shake your head no and I started laughing, then I asked "Yes?" and you kept on shaking your head no,  I kept laughing and your Dada and brother joined in which made you do it more... it was so cute and it went on for awhile.  Fast forward to the next day... you were practicing getting on your knees to scoot forward and finally managed a little scoot.  I said "YAY!  Good-job Ruby!  Yes!" (shaking my head yes) You got a little smirk on your face and shook your head no.  hahaha!  Such a developed sense of humor little one ;)   You then started trying to shake your head yes and succeeded.  You are such a cute and smart baby.

This past month you had your first Thanksgiving, your first big people food (oatmeal cereal, mum-mums, pears, bananas, and applesauce).  We also picked out and decorated your first Christmas tree.
We have been going and doing so many activities during the week that you have only been taking 20-30 min naps when we are out and about (or skipping your morning nap completely!).  At home you will typically take 45mins to an hour nap.  You transitioned from 4 to 3 naps at about 5 1/2 months but your bedtime had to be moved from 7pm to 6pm because you were just too tired.  Screaming (an ear-piercing scream) and clenching your eyes shut as tightly as you could are your "warning signs".  You are very patient but when you have reached your limit... watch-out, zero to sixty equals "pumpkin time".      

You LOVE your big brother... he only has to look at you and you burst out laughing with those big baby belly laughs.  Warms me right to my soul <3 p="">

You also give kisses.  (at least your Dada and I think that is what it is) You lean in, mouth open and puckered... with almost a smile playing at the corners, and you give a kiss.  So cute, so sweet!

You light up our lives, Junebug. Happy Half-Birthday! We love you!

Mama (which I am pretty sure you have said... usually when you are crying)

 The difference about 5 months makes!

Peace out month 6!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Junebug- 5 months

Hey Junebug,

You are just days away from being 5 months old!  I am in denial that you are getting so big (fitting into 6-9 month clothes!).  Not only are you a sweet chubby smiley little baby but you are also hitting the milestones with amazing accuracy and speed.  You have started scooting backwards, you are able to turn over (both ways), you can briefly get your belly off the ground and do a little rocking, you can sit-up on your own! (still a little shaky... but you aren't even 5 months yet!), and your belly laugh fills our days with joy.
Lots of fun times with Mimi
This month we had visitors!  Your Mimi and Papa came just before your 5th month and were here until you were almost 5 months!  (or at least Mimi was)  Nana and Pap also came to visit and got to be here for your 1st Halloween.  We had lots of fun with all of our visitors.  We went bowling, trick-or-treating, watched the Florida vs. Georgia game, went to OMSI, we went apple-picking (a first for all of us!) and just had fun hanging out together.  You have a lot of people who love you, sweet girl.    
First time in a swing!

Those cheeks...
I love a lot about being your mama but one of my favorite things right now is how you act when you are about to be fed during our co-sleeping.  I lay you down and get ready to lay on one side or the other.  As I hover over you deciding which side, you curl your whole little body up (feet, arms, hands) all reaching for me.  If I change sides you follow me, like a little roly poly with a magnet on your chest.  It is adorable and I love it.
A picture to match big brother's...

This upcoming month will most likely bring some solids (rice cereal and maybe a fruit or two).  You are VERY interested in big people food.  You are constantly watching the food's path from plate to mouth and you have actually attempted to swipe food right out of my hand before it gets to my mouth but as of yet you have not been successful.  I think there is a good chance you will be crawling in the next month or two but only time will tell.      

(I wrote the above post almost a month ago!  I'm just adding the pictures and here ya go...)

5 months?  that was easy :-)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Junebug- 3 & 4 months

Dearest Junebug,

How are you already 4 months old?  You are growing so fast... you are quickly developing your ability to grab at toys, faces, or anything you want to touch.  You smile all the time and laugh when something amuses you.  You like your tummy tickled and you love to just smile back at me, dada, or big bro when we smile and talk to you.  You coo and hum when you talk... such a sweet little voice.  When you are taken from your food source too early you often let out a little squeal of disapproval, it is so cute.

In just about every way, you are a very easy going baby.  You sleep well, you travel amazingly (most of the time), you are not as calm at the Doctor's office as your brother was (or is) but I think that is more typical. You love hanging out with me, just resting in my arms as I wander around the house picking up clothes or toys... it will calm you down and often put you to sleep.  You like the stroller most of the time and will hang out with your feet up or you will coo at your bunny toy that hangs from the handle of your car seat.   You are a chunky little monkey and your 4 month stats are Height 26.25" (97%), Weight 17lbs 15.7 oz (96%).  Love those kissable cheeks!

You have rolled over once from front to back with your dada at the park and you are so close to rolling over from back to front.  You get on your side and just haven't made the final push to landing on your front, I think it will be pretty soon.  You enjoy tummy time for about 20-30 mins if you are in a good mood to start but after that you start getting fussy.  I usually let you fuss a little before moving you, I want you to know how to put up a fight even when you are not feeling it.  I can't wait to get to know you more little Junebug.  Everyday more pieces of your personality shine through and I just can't wait to see what you have to teach me...

I love you sweet baby girl!  
