Dearest Leo,
This afternoon, you curled up in my lap and fell asleep. Feeling your little body in such a familiar pose, brought so many memories flooding back. Sleeping endless nights with you in my arms, locked in an embrace, the months of naps (3x's a day) taken in my lap, and the more recent times spent curling up with you in your big boy bed as you fall asleep. You are growing up so fast...

The past 3 months I have been completely immersed in your new sister's life... not only is she so small and vulnerable but so am I during this time. Recovering from the cesarean and bonding with this very needy and often thankless little creature is hard work, physically and mentally. You (with your growing independence) have not had as much attention from me, even though I can tell you crave it. I have really enjoyed the times I have gotten to spend reading to you in the rocking chair and the few times you left your nap just to curl up with me in the rocking chair and drift off to sleep again. Today, you started your nap in my lap and I just sat and admired you (Ruby was sleeping peacefully in the swing). The slope of your nose, the soft brush of your eyebrows, your silken blonde hair, the dark sweep of your eyelashes, and the unique curve of your ears... I've been watching you grow day by day and my sweet little baby is still right there... just bigger.

Lately, you have been all about playing pretend. You gallop through the house on your trusty steed (the broom), you go on adventures with characters from your shows. Many times you have gotten up on the cat tree and driven me to the zoo so we can look for animals while I sit and feed your sister. You are an expert at this game and come up with all types of things to look at gibbons, chimpanzees, giraffes, polar bears, goats, a hippopotamus, or a rhinoceros. More and more, as I tend to Ruby or chores, I hear you muttering to yourself and when I listen closely I can hear you explaining to yourself and your toys what is going on... you are the narrator of your imagination right now and it is so much fun to listen in. I love that you like to play "pretend"... it was definitely one of my favorite things to do as a child.
Forts! |
Dress-up! |
His baby....Ruby : ) |
Hangin' out with George |
You have become a zealot about what is fair or not... there have been a few stand outs in this arena in the past couple of months. We were at the grocery store looking for a line to check-out and someone (slightly ahead of us) got into line and I followed them in. Well you felt like this was a horrendous act of injustice (even though you was mistaken, as they were in front of us first) and began vehemently yelling "NO! We were here FIRST! NO Cutting! You have to WAIT YOUR TURN! TIME-OUT!" Luckily, I don't think the person noticed and as I tried to quiet you down I kept you as far away from them as possible... you continued to mutter about waiting your turn and needing a time out if you don't wait under your breath for several minutes afterwards though.
Climbing trees! |
Holding his sister |
At the zoo... |
Walks with friends... all some of our favorite things to do! |
One day, upon wanting Daddy to be home from work you were standing at the door, looking out and said, "Guess who's home?" (just like I do when Evan arrives). I, being surprised as it was still an hour before I expected him, jumped up and went to look. Someone had parked the same colored car as we have in Evan's normal spot so you had decided it must be him. As I tried to explain that it was someone else's car, you became angry and started yelling, "NO! That's OUR spot! You can't park there! It's OURS!" I tried explaining that we normally park there but it isn't actually ours but you weren't buying it. You have been taking notice of what other kids are allowed to do and when I say you sren't allowed to do the same thing. So far we haven't had too many outbursts over that but I am sure they will come...
I am getting better at balancing my time between you and your sister and soon she will be a more active participant in our day to day activities. She is already starting to smile and laugh at your antics. Once she is sitting up (only a couple more months...eeek!!) I am sure you will both enjoy entertaining each other. Life is chaotic but fun and I am so happy I can be home with you during this phase of your life. I love you sweet baby boy!
Mama or Mommy