Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Letter to Leo- My 2 year old

Feb 2014
Jan 2015

Dearest Leo,

             I can hardly believe I am writing to you on your second birthday.  Wasn't I just writing to my new one year old?  You are growing so fast.  You have been perfect every second of everyday since you have arrived in my life.  Even though I know this to be true, you somehow become a better, more vivid version of yourself everyday as well.  I have a hard time figuring out how that is even possible. 

 Let me tell you a bit about our last year together.  We had some glorious times when I was able to stay home with you but you have loved going to your Aunt Emily's and playing with your cousins since I had to go back to work.  You are definitely having more fun than me... I miss seeing you all day, every day.  We finished up breastfeeding right before Thanksgiving but we still have a wonderful relationship and you still need me (something I was afraid might change too soon).  We have decided to grow our family and you are so ready to take on being a big brother.  You told me the other day "I love babies. I want to hold them." We'll ask you if you still love them after Junebug gets here ; )     

A few new things you have been doing... 

  You love singing.  Your song repertoire consists of (but is not limited to) Baby Mine, Dooley, If I had a Hammer, Twinkle Twinkle, In the Jungle, Take me Out to the Ballgame, Blowin' in the Wind, Jesus Loves Me, Amen... I could go on but you get the drift.  I am sometimes so surprised because I will pause in a song and you will fill in the word!  It surprises me because I didn't know you knew every word but you actually do...   
     When you drink a bottle you like to maintain contact with me by placing a hand on my heart (a remnant of breastfeeding I am sure as it started right after we weaned).  You also call it Mama's milk... for example while sitting in the car drinking a bottle, you stretch your hand out towards me and say, "Mama. need it! Can't reach Mama's milk."  You have also been asking me to sing Baby Mine.  Now Baby Mine was the song I sang to you in utero and when they first handed you to me in the hospital.  I have sang it everyday of your life since then and you have just started showing a preference for it.  I chose that song for us, for you, and now you love it too.  You even know the words and will sing it sometimes... I love hearing you sing it and imagine you singing it to your own baby someday.  
    You really love going to Gymboree and when I tell you we are going you say "Gymborwe Day, Hooway!"  
A few favorite shows... Blue's Clues (still), Veggie Tales (aka Movie Tales), and Old Donald and Mickey cartoons.  There is a Mickey one "A Brave Little Tailor" I believe, that you love and since watching it you have been talking about a giant.  When we ask about it you say it is a friendly giant... we have even pretended the friendly giant rode on top of our car one day since it was apparently stomping around but wanted to come to our house to play.  (all told to me by you, except I suggested he ride on top of the car)  Your first imaginary friend perhaps?      

 This year (although not your first) still had many "firsts" for you.  First haircut, first days away from Mama, first bike ride, first camping trip, first bike, first sentences... you went from walking to running in no time flat and that is exactly how it feels watching you are grow up. 

Ready to be a big brother!

 You've recently decided that you like Mama's tea so we have had tea a few times together and you are so sweet.  You hold a conversation with me and do your best to drink when I drink and to hold your cup just like I do.  I hope we can always have moments like that.
Just before my baby turned 2...

2nd Birthday Party (Blue's Clues!)

One day I hope you will look at me and have some understanding of how much I love you.  I know (from experience) how hard it is to fathom a parent's love before you are one yourself... definitely possible but hard.  I was thinking today about my life just 3 short years ago... Before you were a physical part of my life... you were definitely there my son, my heart wished and prayed for you daily.  I am so blessed that I get a front row seat to you.  

My favorite picture of us from 2014.
Mama Anna
My Mama
(and my favorite) Mama mine : )    

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Junebug- 18 weeks

Halloween 2014- Just shy of 7 weeks

We are expecting baby #2!  Our LO will arrive sometime in June (due June 19th) and we are very excited.  I have really started showing and look about how I did at 23 weeks with Leo!  Every visit so far has been great.  We got to see our blob shortly before 7 weeks and the heart beat was nice and high at around 164 (I think).  In just two short weeks we will find out whether Junebug is a boy or a girl... I cannot wait to know!  

I have been really trying to hold off placing a possible sex on this babe because I am not as sure as I was with Leo but I have to say that more and more my instincts are leaning towards a girl... but who knows? 

Expecting our second has been so different from expecting our first (at least for me)...  I am a lot busier this time with work and a toddler running around so I barely have time to think about Junebug.  I try to set aside time everyday to focus on Junebug though even if it is just for 5 mins.  The pregnancy has been similar although I've had a lot more nauseousness with this one then with Leo.  I got ALOT closer to throwing up, multiple times.  I also have not had the 20 week anatomy scan yet, which is the ultrasound that they told my I had placenta previa. So I am a little nervous about this time, as placenta previa is one of those things that is most rare during a first time pregnancy and things like already having been diagnosed with it (I have been) and getting a c-section (I have)  ups the risk of it happening again quite a bit! Eeekk!  I am trying not to stress about it too much but it is hard to erase those worries completely.  

18 weeks!
I have just recently started feeling Junebug move more and more.  I thought I felt a few flutters around 15 weeks but they were so quick and short-lived that I'm still not sure.  In the past two days though I have been feeling what I think is movement.  I love the feeling and I can't wait to feel more.  With Leo I felt movement at 14 weeks so I was a little worried but I think a big part of it is, so much of my attention is being pulled out that I don't have as much time to gaze inward. 


I am putting up a poll on what sex everyone thinks this one will be...
To get to the blog you have to go to the right hand side of the screen is (near the top and there should be a small grey bar.  If you hover over it it should slide out and give you some options one of which will be the poll.  Hope you find it and enjoy!

What will Weaver baby #2 be?
  • Boy
  • Girl

What will Weaver baby #2 be?
  • Boy
  • Girl

What will Weaver baby #2 be?
  • Boy
  • Girl

What will Weaver baby #2 be?
  • Boy
  • Girl