Dearest Leo,

You have reached what I have always considered "the best" age of a baby. 9 months! I can't say I have been disappointed but I also have realized that every age has its moments to treasure. As someone who has always wanted to be older and reach new goals, I have learned that the best age is every age. Each period of your life will have ups and downs, achievements and failures, pride and embarrassment... learn to learn from every experience and you will find happiness and success in life. Right now learning from every experience comes instinctively to you, as to all babies. You get up and fall down, you try to feed yourself and end up dropping the food but you try again and sometimes you get it but other times you don't. I haven't seen you give up yet and I pray that you will feel and know of the love and support your dad and I will always offer you so that you don't feel like you have to give up.

This past month has been a VERY BUSY month for you! You went from scooting to full on crawling, you pull up on everything, you cruise along furniture, squat down to retrieve toys and then stand back up, you can stand unassisted but will lower yourself slowly after a few seconds. I am pretty sure you are giving kisses (big open-mouthed slobbery ones) and you have 2 teeth! Both of them are on the top. You light up when your daddy comes home from work and sometimes you just want some cuddles from me (Mama). You haven't said any words yet but both your Dada and I can't wait to hear what you are obviously trying to tell us. You still love the swing and on your 9 month birthday I caught you being a little kid (you are technically one but you are still supposed to be a baby not a SLOW DOWN!) You were leaning way back and looking up at the sky and you had a look of wonderment on your face. It was a look that comes from discovery and feeling at one with the great wide world around you. I have felt the same look on my face while doing the same thing and I hope you will always be able to find that feeling, no matter how old you get.

We have had some hard times with you in the past few weeks in relation to sleeping (yeah, I didn't think it could get worse either.) But after your visit to the Doctor for your 9 month appointment we believe it may be a combination of your teeth coming in, a little cold you had, and last but not least the growth spurt you've been going through... You grew 2 1/2 inches in the past 2 months! Your stats are now 21.10 lbs, 29 3/4 inches, and 18 1/8 in head circumference. Which puts you in the 75th % for weight and head circumference and the 95th% for height! That was a big jump for you! So our challenges with sleep continue and we are planning on going back to some form of sleep training this upcoming weekend. I'm not looking forward to the training but I would love some sleep. I am tired of being tired...

Autumn is well under way here in Oregon and I managed to get some shots of you hanging out in the leaves on your 9 month birthday. We also visited a pumpkin patch with your Aunt Emily, Uncle Steve and your cousins Sara and Rebecca. Rebecca turned 18 months the same day you turned 9 months and that is it... that is the only time she will ever be twice your age. From here on out the difference in age and development will only look closer and less obvious. You will be in different grades but in truth are really not that far apart (although the 9 months of Emily's pregnancy seemed like an eternity while I waited for you!) This month we will be heading to Tampa, Deland, and Merritt Island for my cousin Brian's wedding. We will be back to Dada for your first Thanksgiving though. You will be celebrating your 10 month birthday in Florida!
I love you Leo... more then anything else. I hardly remember what it was like to not have you a part of my life anymore. 9 months of loving the idea of you and 9 months getting to know you. 18 months of happiness :-) Before I know it we will be celebrating your 1st birthday...

(a very tired Mama)
He's perfect! Pretty much the exact same height and weight as my Easton too. Hope you get some sleep soon! We just did our 2nd round of sleep training and we're enjoy 8 hour stretches now! Good luck :)