Dearest baby Leo,
I am writing on the eve of your 8 month birthday and my 30th birthday. Lots of changes going on in your life... you are scooting around like an inchworm (a fast one!) and you are pulling up on things like a champ. You have even started using things like a box of diapers to aid you in walking! You have tried to transfer from one object to another... i.e. the diaper box to a kitchen chair and you are getting better at holding on to whatever you are using for support! You also just started letting go of things and just falling towards where you want to go... that may work for crawling buddy, but it is quite dangerous for walking. : /
Little inchworm |
Wearing the hat Mama made while helping pack up things that are too small... |
current favorite things are... eating frozen bananas in your silicone
feeder, listening to an Itsy Bitsy Spider, and you haven't told us yet
but I'm pretty sure your favorite color is purple ; )
and swinging never fails to get a smile : ) |
Transferring from a diaper box to a chair is tricky business... |
have had your Mimi and Nana and Pap up to visit this past month. Mimi
came on the 20th of August and left Sept 10th. While your Nana and Pap
came on Sept. 7th and are leaving on Sept 21st (tomorrow). Our friends
Julia and Darren will be visiting us on Sunday too so LOTS of east coast
Sportin' the Gator gear |
At Pendleton Rodeo, you were very interested in the horses and kept smiling throughout the long day even though it was in the upper 90s while we were there and it was VERY noisy.

Not sure about this rodeo clown... |
but I LOVE the rodeo! |
Lake Wallowa was relaxing with time to hang out on the sandy shores of the glacial mountain lake.
On our way back we had to take lots of breaks to get you out of that car seat. Despite a total of almost 7 hours in the car and an entire 12 hour day, you did an AMAZING job! So proud of you my little man!
He loved this.... kept on smiling at it and yelling. |
Thinking about climbing the wall to get to the TV |
have had a lot of fun hanging out around the house, going out to eat,
going to Pendleton Rodeo, and to Lake Wallowa. I love watching you with
your grandparents... you light up! Even though you don't see them
everyday, it is obvious that you know they are different.. that they are
extra special to you. I can see what a wonderful relationship you will
share with them and I rejoice in it. As your mom, I want you to have
as many strong and secure relationships as you can get so that you will
grow up strong and secure in who you are. I also want you to know the
wonderful people that raised your dad and I (because we are so
wonderful) ; )
Happy Birthday Mom and Dad... you are officially old! |
I can't believe you are 8 months, that you are learning so many new things and so quickly. I feel like if I blink you will be a one year old. Wish I could press the pause button on life sometimes...