Dearest baby Leo,
You are 7 months now... You are growing so fast, learning so many new things. I love to see it all but I also miss the tiny little thing you once were, even your Daddy gets it now. Once when you were almost 3 months I was getting teary-eyed over how big you were getting and your daddy laughed at me, but now... NOW he understands and sees how bittersweet it is to watch your child grow up. I'm sure neither of us fully grasp how hard it will be when you go to school for the first time, your first time away from home, and whenever you move out. It is hard to be a parent in more ways then one...
You are getting ready to crawl and are pulling up on whatever you can get your hands on. You are still rather clumsy about pulling up but you are getting better and better. Crawling seems to be just around the corner as you are constantly getting up on your hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Plus you try to move forward with your legs but you're still trying to figure out how to move your arms. You can be very serious and contemplative but you also love to smile and your laugh is just pure joy bubbling up from your soul. I love you in all your moods; although some are more trying then others. ;)
I think you understand a few words now... You definitely know your name and you react every time I ask if you are hungry. I haven't pinpointed any other specific words or phrases but I feel more and more that you KNOW what is being said and what is going on. You are no longer a mere observer in this world...
What does this next month hold for us my dear, dear baby?

Gator season has started!
Certainly many visitors... Mimi just got here and Nana and Pap are coming soon!
Our friends Julia and Darren are coming here too but right when you turn 8 months and when your mama turns 30! Of course your Dada will have been 30 for AWHILE...3 whole days! ;)
Learning how to sleep is still going on... you are pretty good about going to sleep on your own now BUT we have had some hiccups so we haven't been able to be as consistent as I would like. Between diarrhea and colds, we have to check on you ALOT and pick you up and continue to feed you. We have weaned you off of one of your five night-time feeds (the 9:30 pm) one. The next one to tackle is your 1:30 am feed then I might try the 4:00 am feed which would theoretically put me between five and 6 hours of solid sleep per night with the option to sleep before the 11:30 feed.
So far you have had some solids but we slowed down on the new introductions so that I can reintroduce dairy into my diet and see how that goes... your menu so far consists of (from first introduced to the last)
brown rice cereal
sweet potatoes
unsweetened applesauce
Carrots and the dairy are the next items... after that probably avocado and mango. Then when you hit 8 months we can step it up some... eggs, beans, lean meats, maybe even some peanut butter! Yum! Our Dr. said some exposure to allergenic foods may help keep an allergy from developing later on... of course we will be extra careful and watchful about those foods.
I love you Leo and love seeing you grow day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute... I treasure these times I get to spend with you. :) Hard to believe how quickly time flys...
Certainly many visitors... Mimi just got here and Nana and Pap are coming soon!
Our friends Julia and Darren are coming here too but right when you turn 8 months and when your mama turns 30! Of course your Dada will have been 30 for AWHILE...3 whole days! ;)
Learning how to sleep is still going on... you are pretty good about going to sleep on your own now BUT we have had some hiccups so we haven't been able to be as consistent as I would like. Between diarrhea and colds, we have to check on you ALOT and pick you up and continue to feed you. We have weaned you off of one of your five night-time feeds (the 9:30 pm) one. The next one to tackle is your 1:30 am feed then I might try the 4:00 am feed which would theoretically put me between five and 6 hours of solid sleep per night with the option to sleep before the 11:30 feed.
So far you have had some solids but we slowed down on the new introductions so that I can reintroduce dairy into my diet and see how that goes... your menu so far consists of (from first introduced to the last)
brown rice cereal
sweet potatoes
unsweetened applesauce
Carrots and the dairy are the next items... after that probably avocado and mango. Then when you hit 8 months we can step it up some... eggs, beans, lean meats, maybe even some peanut butter! Yum! Our Dr. said some exposure to allergenic foods may help keep an allergy from developing later on... of course we will be extra careful and watchful about those foods.
I love you Leo and love seeing you grow day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute... I treasure these times I get to spend with you. :) Hard to believe how quickly time flys...
Love Always,
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