Dearest Leo,
You are a deep thinker. You meet most new situations with a furrowed brow and intense concentration. In most cases you quickly relax and bless those around you with your adorable grins (and I am in no way partial just because I'm your mom...) This past month we have had beautiful weather here in the Northwest. It has been just perfect for lots of walks and trips to the park and the swing (which is still your favorite). I have also been able to catch so many cute photos of you in the fall leaves.
You still look a lot like your Dad but I've seen some of me in there :-) I love this picture of my two main men, I might need to put this on a desk...once I manage to find a job. I really cherish this time I have home with you but I hope I can find a teaching position for the upcoming school year. Which actually was another first this month... you went to daycare for a day and a half when I had a sub job. You didn't like it very much and refused the bottles and to sleep during the first six hours or so. I believe you took a begrudging 45 min nap about an hour or two before I came to pick you up. :-/ I hated to see your little tear stained face.
We did and saw a lot in Florida! I, unfortunately, am having a disagreement with my small camera and its memory card so I did not get pictures in Florida this time but I know your Mimi and Nana got at least a few ; ) and I will have to get theirs at Christmas. I will have to write a separate post on all of our happenings there... it makes me tired just thinking about trying to do it now, we were VERY busy!! On that note I am pretty tired and we are back to sleep training so I expect to hear you cry some more tonight : ( You are working on some bottom teeth I believe. You have four on top as of now though.
I love you sweet baby Leo!