This week started out with my glucose tolerance on Monday (see my 27 week post) and on Tuesday I received a phone call saying my numbers were just slightly over the cap for normal levels...
So while GD is not the end of the felt like I had been dealt another blow and had just one more thing to worry about. It took a lot to ignore the added stress and concentrate on studying for my elementary education teacher license which was scheduled for the end of the week.
Friday rolled around with a lot on the schedule. My exams started at 8 am and lasted until 11:15... fun! I then had to go eat and head out to OHSU for my ultrasound to see if the placenta had moved at all. Evan also had a busy day with a meeting in Hillsboro at 9 am and a Mercy Corp speaker in Portland at 11:15, then he had to meet me for the ultrasound at 2:15. In order to manage all of these things, we borrowed Emily and Steve's car (Thank you!!) which they offered so willingly. :-) It is so nice to have family living close by!
I was nervous about the ultrasound because I felt sure that the placenta would not have moved and that I would have my hopes dashed that it would ever move... well that was not the case. After an anatomy scan the perinatologist came in to check for the placenta. After some maneuvering, (baby Leo likes to sit with his head resting directly on the cervix) they were able to see and amazingly.... the placenta had moved to almost 4 cm away from the cervix! It isn't even considered a low-lying placenta anymore! I was stunned and in shock. I was half crying, half laughing when the Dr and tech left us. I could scarcely believe it...
Of all the emotions that followed, relief was the greatest. I am so extremely thankful that I have been granted mercy on this particular burden. It felt a lot like someone had diffused a ticking time bomb that I had been carrying around for 2 months. We also got some detailed pictures of Leo!
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His little fist! |
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His little foot! |
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His other little foot and his cute little toes. :-) |
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Another profile pic |
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and one of the coolest, and creepest, pics. He almost looks doll like in this image. |
On the GD note... I asked my Dr. if I could take the test again and she said it would be okay seeing as how my numbers were so close. I failed by only 2 pts on one of the blood draws. Since I was late writing this post I can give you an update on how my second test went... I PASSED! This week (from Friday to today) has been amazing as far as good news goes. For those that may come across my blog looking for information on glucose tolerance test numbers I am listing my numbers from both tests below.
Test #1 Test #2 Normal Range (for my lab)
Fasting- 92 85 <92 br="br">92>
1hr - 182 153 <180 br="br">180>
2hr- 123 133 <153 p="p">
The only difference I can tell is that on my 2nd test I did not eat an apple with nutella and drink a glassful of orange juice right before beginning my fast and going to sleep immediately after. (I did all of the above before my 1st test which of course was stupid in hindsight) Hope this helps someone...I had an extremely hard time finding any information about the 2 hour glucose tolerance test which is fairly new as it was only recommended by the American Diabetes Association in 2011 and not many practices have started using it over the traditional 1hr than 3 hr GTT.
Well, I'm off! Hope the Gators beat Georgia this weekend! Go Gators!
Glad to hear your placenta has moved up! Mine was 1.8cm away from my cervix at 20 weeks, and I have another ultrasound at 30 weeks to check if its moved. Fingers crossed!