I made it to the 12 week milestone and here is the picture to prove it. Now... not ALL of the belly is baby but at least part of it is :-)
I am thrilled to be leaving the 1st trimester behind with it's constant worries and concerns. Since I already spend a lot of my time worrying... the past two months have been VERY stressful! I had to schedule time to think positively about the future and the baby. LOL, you think I'm joking but I'm not.

So some updates to fill you in on the past 2 months. I found out about our LO (little one) on May 1st and since then I have had a roller coaster of emotions. Evan has gotten the full brunt of those emotions. Luckily for him, the mood swings seem to be less frequent now. I never had very bad morning sickness just some nausea. I had one main food aversion...bananas. yuck! I still don't want to eat them because when I finally tried to eat one, I almost threw up...probably not the best idea in hindsight. Our first ultrasound was at 7 weeks and 6 days. It was too early to hear the heartbeat but we got to see the heart fluttering in the ultrasound...that was the only movement at the time. The picture was not very clear and it looked like we were having a fuzzball. It was such a relief to see the heartbeat though.

Our second ultrasound was at 11 weeks 5 days. We went in expecting to hear the heartbeat and not have an ultrasound but my heart was too loud on the doppler to find the baby's. This of course freaked me out a little bit but luckily the Dr. went to find the ultrasound machine and it was right outside our door! So within a few minutes we had a picture up on the screen and we could again see the heartbeat. Pretty soon after, the baby started moving some. There were wiggling arms and we could make out the hands. Then all of a sudden the baby (using arms and legs) launched itself up the side of my uterus and then came sliding back down to it's original position. After a short rest...the LO did it again and again! It was great to see all that movement! Surreal...but awesome!
You are going to be such a good mom! You already have the worrying part down! lol I'm glad you don't have to worry as much now, but that is definitely something that comes along with the job description. Seriously though...you are going to be an amazing parent to your LO and I'm so happy for you guys!!! I can't wait to meet the little froggie baby! :-)