This past Saturday I reached 15 weeks! It happened to coincide with a camping trip in north Washington, on Baker Lake, and with a hike up Sauk Mountain. We stayed for 2 nights at our campground and had rain storms the first morning there. We did manage to get a fire going both nights though. Our hike was also lots of fun and the trail actually still had lots of snow at its peak! This was a picture taken on one of the MANY rests we took as we hiked up the numerous switchbacks... part of the deal when hiking with a pregnant wife. :-) The camping trip was a lot of fun and even though we had a few hiccups regarding where to camp, we managed, and had a great time. Here are a few pictures from our trip....
Boulder Creek |
Me! Cooking breakfast while getting soaked in the rain. |
Our tent on it's 2nd use and this time we brought pillows AND mats! | | |
Looking at campground from the cliff leading to the creek |
This little guy was right in the middle of the trail and didn't run away even when we stood taking pictures of him for a few minutes. |
On another note, I have been feeling better this week with my appetite
returning to something resembling normal. Emily and the girls came back
on Tuesday and I was thrilled to be the one to greet them at the
airport! I have been going to my prenatal yoga class and they can
really give you a workout when they want too. I'm very impressed with
the women who are in their 3rd trimester and still doing many of the
poses the same way as the rest of us... they offer alterations to make
some of the poses easier but the woman often don't take them.
Emily gave me a Snoogle yesterday. I am in
LOVE! I slept better last night than I have in a month or two. It is
shaped like a C and supports my back, head, neck, and hips. I was
skeptical that anything could be so wonderful but it truly is amazing. I
took a nap today because I laid down to try it out again and it was so
comfortable I just feel asleep! Thanks Emily for letting me borrow it!!
Introducing EVAN! |
I thought the father-to-be should make an appearance in the blog. This is at the top of Sauk Mountain at the edge of a huge snow field.
Just part of the beautiful (almost 360) view at the top of the trail. |