Friday, June 10, 2016

10,11 and almost 12 months

Dearest Junebug,

You are growing so fast.  Your bright personality continually emerges and never ceases to surprise and amaze me.

I am kicking myself for not writing each of these months individually.  you have been changing so fast I know I have already lost some of the cute things I wanted to write about.  I write entries in my mind at least once a week but by the time I am done with bedtimes I am so tired and am just looking to spend some time with your Daddy, finish housework, projects, or one of many other things.  

First and foremost, you are full on walking and have been since halfway through your 10th month.  (That is most likely why I am so tired... chasing you and your brother around is a real work-out.)  You are so funny, you love to toddle around the house and hold you arms out for a hug or a quick visit before you are off again. 

You are a climber like your brother... it is currently restricted to lower things like an under bed storage box but sometimes you make it to the bathroom and up the first step of the stool before I have chased you down... (you're fast).  I often relate you to a cat because if there is a lid or piece of cardboard or even a blanket in the middle of the floor you must go and sit directly in the center.  Recently, we took a little video of you eating bits of a popsicle then crawling to a sun spot on the kitchen floor... you even kissed it :) so sweet!  
You are loving solids... chicken, ham, broccoli, snap pea crisps, blueberries, and strawberries all rank high with you; unfortunately, we are relatively sure that strawberries make you break out in hives all over your body and face.  The last reaction was the worst so I am a little scared to have you try them again to confirm.  I think we will be waiting awhile, for now though, it is at least a relief to know what has been causing your hives so you don't have to keep getting them... 

You are such a sweet girl and you love to give hugs and kisses right now.  You were even trying to give your friend (a baby about 4 months younger than you) a hug a few weeks ago and then you kissed him on the top of the head.  It was so sweet.  It was very evident that you were trying to be extra careful and gentle with him too.  The baby doll I bought your brother before you were born has become one of your favorite toys.  I particularly love the way you carry her... one armed with her against your shoulder.  It is pretty much the way I carried you before you were big enough to sit on my hip, so sweet.  (Okay so, yes, I am already imagining possible babies... I just can't help myself but no pressure.  I love you regardless of whether or not you have children.)
You love BB (our cat) and you sometimes wake up early in the morning, sit up and immediately say "AT" very loudly and you look sleepily around the bed to see if he is there.  I think "AT" aka Cat is your first official, frequently used, word.  As of right now I can identify cat, dog, brother, up, down, hi, more, hug, off, BB, baby (and I think I am forgetting a few).  You also call me "Mam" quite a bit.  Occasionally I can hear the 16 year old girl attitude behind it ;)   I love hearing your cute little baby voice.  So precious and fleeting, I know I already miss your brother's baby voice so I'm just trying to take it in right now.
Your Mimi has been visiting us for about a month now.  You love having her here as it definitely gets you some extra attention <3 br="">

The other day, your Mimi took your brother out and I had you at home since you had been kinda sick and I was going to take you to the doctor.  I was trying to sort through your brother's clothes in the interim for our garage sale we were going to have.  I set us up in his room, turned on some tunes and danced you around a little bit.  You were having such a good time... when I tried to put you down, you stiffened, grabbed my shirt in your fists and pulled upward with all your 11 month old might.  You were so upset that I had stopped dancing, you started crying and were giving me this sad pleading look... (like I could resist that) so I picked you up and we took a few more songs to dance it out.  By the end of those songs, I was sooo tired so I laid down on the ground and you, again, tried to get me to stand up but when you realized I was really down for the count you started to scream...  silent while you took in your breath for a good 10 seconds, then a long drawn out "I'm being murdered horror film, ear-splitting" scream.  You are a little too good at those, your Dada thinks he might loose his hearing because of them.

One thing for sure is that you love music and dancing just as much as your brother.  He was in his first dance recital this past month and we took you to the show.  As soon as the music came on and the dancing started you were bouncing around on my lap, wiggling and squealing you were so excited.  It was so cute... your Aunt Emily tried to get a video but it was too dark.  You were not stop moving and enraptured for about 8 or so songs before I took you out as you were way over-stimulated.  Today, while I was doing some cleaning, I turned on some music and at some point we were all in Leo's room and Dooley came on (for anybody that doesn't know about Dooley, my dad plays it on his guitar and sings it and it was always one of Leo's favorites) well as soon as you heard it you did your high knee baby "run" to go dance to it in the living room... every so often on the way down the hallway you would have to stop and do a little dance. So so cute!   

You are certainly showing your goofball side, lately.  You have this funny little grin/baring your teeth face you like to make and you think it is hilarious, which of course it is.  You are such a happy baby, (almost) always smiling or laughing.  I hear constantly how you are so cute (and you are) but better yet, you are so much fun to be around.  You wave to everyone (just about) that we meet.  I love you and your vivacious personality.  I can't wait to continue this adventure of you growing up.  I have learned that every stage is filled with wonders and frights but that the whole experience is worth it.   We love you Junebug!
or Mama           

Looking forward to what your 2nd year of life holds for you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Junebug- 8 months & 9 months

Dear Ruby Anna,

So now that we are past your 9 month marker I am just combining these two posts. Between stomach flu and cold viruses, our family has been slammed with sickness for the past few months. 2016 has been rough but that is the way life goes sometimes.  Hopefully with spring here (sorta) that will calm down a bit.  What can I say about you...  you are so good-natured, even when you are sick you just get slightly more fussy and want a little more attention then normal.  Your sleep isn't as good either but that isn't your fault.  : (

In your 8th month you cut your first top tooth. (you now have both top front teeth) You have started crawling.  It started somewhere between a normal hands and knees crawl and a bear crawl (one leg specifically) and now is a pretty typical crawl.  It made it quite easy for you to move into a sitting position and you still use it for short distances.  You have started pulling up and cruising along the furniture.  The time has come for me to baby proof... which is way more difficult with a corner/room full of toys that are not recommended for you but that your brother kinda likes so we can't just get rid of...  Vacuuming and sweeping have become my top priorities when doing chores... between you starting on finger foods and crawling, you are taste testing anything you can get your little pincher fingers on.  You really dislike having things taken away from you, which happens often, (see above sentences about baby-proofing and taste testing).  You swing your arms around and make little whining sounds.  You have also started to dramatically throw your head back... I am pretty sure your temper tantrums are going to be spectacular. : )

You love love LOVE your big brother!  As of now, he can do no wrong.  All he has to do is look at you and you will burst into giggles.  Of course, he loves you right back and really wants to kiss you and hold you and talk to you.  He has moments of jealousy or not wanting to share but seriously he is really good about everything involving you 96% of the time... It melts this mama's heart, that's for sure.

Just recently he asked if he could hold you on a pillow in his lap (like he did when you were a newborn) It was so cute (and funny) since you are not so little anymore...

Which, by the way, you have been at the top (or off) the charts at your last 2 doctor's appointments.  You current 9 month weight is 26lbs and your height rests at 29.5". You are very healthy and active and pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.

You have started watching baby signing time, at least a few times per week and I am pretty sure you are signing some things... I am just not sure what yet.  Mom, grandma, frog, and water all involve hand motions around the chin.  Your dexterity to distinguish between those isn't really there yet soooo... I am usually just guessing.  You did sign grandpa at least once when Papa came onto the screen during a Skype session and you sign "all done".  You have recently found your screech owl voice or your horror film scream.  It is so loud and you have taken to doing it in public places.  (sorry folks!)

      You have been enjoying bath time and we had a bunch of fun trying to grab the soap the other night,  You thought it was just hilarious that the soap popped out of my hand when you would try to squeeze your hand shut. Lots of belly laughs...

 Your favorite toy is a plastic hammer.  You love that thing and it will typically calm you down if you are fussy.  "If I had a hammer..."  Close seconds are a plastic bat, bowling pin, and a magnifying glass (which you like to put up to your face and peer cute!)

You are quick to laugh when you hear others laughing and you really like to be in the mix when there is something going on in the house.  Dada wrestling with big brother... you want to be right there too climbing up on them both.  You have recently started crawling down the hallway on your own and you let out little squeals of excitement at trying to get to someone.  You are very close to walking... you can stand steadily on your own and bend down to pick things up or to sit down.  You are thinking of taking the step but so far you are just getting a really cute smile on your face and falling into my arms.  

No rush, sweet baby girl... you'll have lots of time to walk, let me hold you longer. 

I love you so.
