This past month has been pretty crazy so although this post is almost a month late I am going to pretend like it is on time so sit back and let me take you to almost 2 months ago when Leo was entering his 18 month of life...

A few things about this month, Leo's half birthday is right around the corner! This month also marks a year in this apartment. I remember how sentimental I got when leaving the old apartment that I brought my tiny baby to and now I am amazed at how much he has grown in this past year and how many things he has accomplished (and still accomplishes) every day. On move in day my sister Emily, while watching her own toddling 15 month old, remarked how she could just imagine Leo standing at the door waiting for Daddy or watching the outdoors. Now we are there and she was right... Leo LOVES being able to look out the back door and will run to it if I happen to hear the car pull up and tell him that Dada is home. I know Evan loves being greeted with a big smile and hug.

Leo got his first haircut this month...courtesy of his Mama ;) I was very sad to cut off his cute little curls he had going on at the nape of his neck but looking back at pictures he was looking a little scraggly in the hair department lol. Still adorable in my book though.
The haircut required two episodes of Blue's Clues and a HUGE bowl of blueberries (Leo's favorite).
Here are some after shots, along with a photo shoot that reminded me of the photo shoot I did for his half-birthday last year.
It is amazing how much he has changed but how much he has stayed the same. I still see my baby : ) |
Leo continues building his vocabulary and just wants to communicate so badly. There are days when he repeats a word or phrase over and over and I just don't understand then he gets so frustrated... but if I cuddle him up and look him in the eye and tell him "Leo, I know you want Mama to understand you but I am not sure what you are saying... let's try again." My amazing little man will calm down and either repeat himself again or try a new technique like pointing or something. I am astonished every time it happens because I know he understands what I am saying and that he trusts me to try my best. It is a very gratifying feeling and while I know our open line of communication might not always work so well, I am just soaking it up for the time being. Among the most memorable words he learned this month... chipmunk (munk) "Aww, look at all the cute monks running around the campground!"
We celebrated the Fourth of July with our friends Toby, Joe, Doris, Greg, and Melody. It was lots of fun!
We went camping twice this month! The first time was a test night and boy it was a lot of fun (this was said dripping with sarcasm). We went on a weeknight and headed to a campground only about a half an hour from the house which we also decided to do the day before (great planning!). It doesn't help that it was light out until about 9:30 pm but Leo just wasn't having the whole sleeping on the ground thing. Our normal routine went up in flames and ended up with Leo finally falling asleep exhausted at about 9:45. Only to wake up again at about midnight and thrash violently while I tried to comfort him. When he finally fell back to sleep it was on my head. I wished I had a picture so much that I decided to draw one... forgive the horrible artistic skill and enjoy the humor.

Needless to say I got very little sleep that night (about 2-3 hours) and Evan had to go to work the next day leaving me to care for "child who also missed out on lots of sleep and was extremely cranky all day". It was lots of fun folks... LOTS of fun.
My handsome men |

The second camping trip went better since I knew what to expect and at least didn't set my hopes too high... plus we had friends to share our misery with! Doris, Greg and their daughter Melody came as well as our friend Toby and my sister Emily, nieces Sara and Rebecca and BIL Steve. It was lots of fun having so many people to go camping with. The kids loved playing around the campsite and it was fun watching a new generation enjoying the great outdoors. Leo was again having problems going to sleep with the added fun of 90 degree weather (in eastern Oregon) but I think he fell asleep around 9:30 on the 1st night, so... progress! Our trip was going to be three nights this time so I figured if we continued on this train by the 3rd night he would be asleep by 8:45! His normal bedtime is 7 pm but no worries, we just did what we could and managed to survive. We got to do lots of fun things while in the Bend/Sun River region. Including (but not limited) to tubing down the Deschutes River, hiking at Smith Rock State Parkand, and exploring the Lava River Caves. Here are some pictures from our vacation.

Melody is such a cutie! |
The gang (minus me) and Sara, Steve and Rebecca are hard to see. |
Toby |
Emily, Steve, Sara, and Rebecca |
Doris, Greg, and Melody |
Anna, Evan, and Leo |
Shade was precious and scarce... |
Leo is practicing his bouldering skills |
Relaxing around the campsite |
Hanging out with Evan |
At the Deschutes River |
Peek a boo! |
My baby : ) |
Our 18 month stats are 24lbs 10oz, 33.75 inches (90th %).
We hope you are all having a lovely summer!