Whoa... I thought it had been at least 2 months since I last wrote but I was wrong. So much has been going on it is making my head spin. Not to mention how quickly Leo is changing....
The last post I talked about how Leo was starting to say more and more words, and he is still adding to his vocabulary. A few Leo words:

bubble bath
walk (pronounced "bach", yes it sounds like the sound a chicken makes)- Leo sings this word as it is the chorus of a song on The Best of Elmo dvd he watches. Destiny's Child sings it and if I sing a verse he will fill in the chorus which is walk walk but in Leo language is "bach bach". I love it.
He knows that a sheep says baabaa and a cow says moo and a cat says meow (or neow)
Names he has now said (some only once but most of them he has used multiple times)...
He really likes to shout names, like calling out for someone to come back so that is how I can get him to say names lol.
He is an exceptional communicator and with his mix of sign language and verbal words he gets himself understood. One of his favorite sentences to sign is "One more time please." He does this by using a finger held up, signing more, than please. He signs please a lot now which makes refusing him even harder.

This month started out with some really nice weather and Leo and I spent a decent amount of time at the garden. Evan's parents came up to visit over Memorial Day weekend and the week following and we had fun going to stay on Cannon Beach with them, than hanging out around town. Cannon Beach was beautiful. It was overcast and cloudy for part of the time but on Memorial Day we had gorgeous weather and we got to walk out to Haystack Rock and see the tidal pools.

For the past week and a half, I took over a maternity leave for a friend of mine and had a blast. It is hard leaving Leo and thinking about what I am missing but I also find that I really enjoy being at work and talking to adults. It definitely didn't hurt that I was leaving Leo with my sister Emily during that time. I knew I didn't have to worry about him being neglected or unloved while he was there which is such a blessing. It was during that week that he said Emily and has gotten much clearer while saying Sara and Rebecca (which used to sound like rababababa) I think he is saying Riri more now. He loved going to their house and was excited when we would say where he was going for the day. His time with them was cut a little short as Rebecca had gotten sick over the weekend so Evan took a sick day on Monday while I went to a professional development and then I had him on Tuesday. He was really well behaved and I was able to finish up what I needed to do. So the plan for the upcoming year is to start working as a substitute (same maternity leave) in a Kindergarten half and extended day class then finishing up the day with a sixth grade literacy block. Talk about two ends of the spectrum! I am excited about starting out the school year but am apprehensive about leaving Leo. I know he will be fine but I'm not so sure about me : / I have been incredibly spoiled getting to stay home with Leo this long and I know it. As fast as this past year and a half has gone, I know it will only seem to go faster once I am not with Leo 24/7. I am trying to make full use of our time together this summer to make memories that will sustain me until next summer.
So let's see... I am going to add on some random happenings around our household,