I failed to take my picture this weekend due to immediately changing into comfy clothes every time I walked into the apartment. So tonight I gave in, here it is... a picture IN my comfy clothes. This past week has been very difficult. It should have started out with a couple of days over the long weekend to relax but did not end up that way. Plans with family and friends interrupted my relaxing time (I loved spending that time with them though!) I could feel a cold creeping up on me but kept on trying to push through it. There are also still lots of things to do in preparation of Leo's arrival so I have been trying to cram that stuff in during my "free" time as well. Starting on Monday I took an extra shift at Sylvan because one of the other teachers was absent. On Tuesday, I met Emily, my mom, and the girls for brunch before taking my mom to the airport and then heading to an appointment with my dietician. She set me up with a glucose meter for testing 4 times a day because the midwives are not sure if I have gestational diabetes or not. After all that, I went to work at Sylvan. Wednesday through Friday I had sub jobs lined up and right when I thought I had a day to relax, Evan reminded me we had plans with some friends on Saturday night. (Again, I love hanging out with them!) Sunday was finally a day to rest...except no, I forgot that I had to take one of my teacher certification tests in the afternoon. Monday I had another sub job and today (Tuesday) I had to work at Sylvan. Needless to say... my cold caught up with me. By Saturday night I wasn't feeling very good and to top things off I was getting crazy readings on my blood sugar. After doing a little research it sounds like getting sick can cause it to do that but I just hope it won't ruin my averages in the midwives' eyes. Between my Monday evening and this morning, I was able to get enough rest to be feeling somewhat normal again. My blood sugars also seem to be leveling again. The best part is that I do not have ANY responsibilities outside of the house tomorrow! YAY!
I am hoping that I can get a lot of things off my checklist over the 5 day break!
Leo is very active these days, I often get a foot in my ribs and a lopsided belly because he really likes to hang out on my right side. It can downright hurt at times since it feels like he is trying to stretch out parts of my stomach purely by movement! Last week while working at Sylvan, I am pretty sure he was bracing his hands and feet against the back of my uterus and pressing his back against the front of me. It lasted for 2 hours and after that he took a rest on my right side making me feel like I had a bad stitch in my side as I tried to eat. :-/ We had some words...
It is hard to believe that Leo will be here in absolutely no more than 9 and a half weeks (that would put me at 42 weeks which is when they would induce if I wasn't in labor yet). I'm looking forward to seeing him for the first time, holding him, and counting those cute little fingers and toes. Probably one of the top moments I am looking forward to is seeing Evan hold him for the first time. He is going to be an amazing dad and I can't wait till those first moments of seeing him hold his son.
Just this past week, he had a dream about the birth...nothing specific about the baby, it was more about trying to fight for me to have the labor and delivery I wanted. I love that I have his full support in trying to have a natural birth and that he is obviously gearing up for the experience. In this week of thanks giving I can say I am thankful that he is the one I have beside me throughout this pregnancy and will have beside me while raising our son.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!