At the Astoria Column on Saturday to escape the heat wave in Hillsboro. |
Today is the day before I find out the gender! In addition, in just a little over a week I will be heading down to Tampa for a couple of weeks of friends, family, and baby showers! I can't wait for either event!
For the east coasters... you will have to beware that my appointment isn't until 4:15 pm my time so by the time my hour to an hour and a half appointment is over... you will have been waiting all day :-( I'm sorry about that. If you are on the call list, I apologize in advance for the late-night call and for the rest of the curious people (who are still important... I just don't have the strength to call EVERYBODY). I will be posting on Facebook and most likely my blog that night so stand by to find out the gender!!
I've been thinking about all the planning, research and other details that seem to keep cropping up during my pregnancy and I thought many people would like to know what types of things Evan and I have been considering. This also might be useful as I know I have several friends who are considering TTC or are already started. I am planning on writing about the stuff that I didn't realize would play such a large part of my pregnant world even though I have been through my sisters' pregnancies and some friends' as well.
Topic #1- Eating Healthy
I haven't found this TOO difficult but it does seem incredibly difficult to eat all the vegetables I am supposed to eat everyday. I like to think I am doing okay with this.
Topic #2- The Do's and Don'ts
This seems to include everything from foods to avoid to physical positions to avoid. Such as, crossing your legs... this can cut of your blood supply and result in varicose veins or worse! Also, you should put your legs at a higher level than your head for about 5 mins a day BUT you can't lay on your back. Has anyone here tried to elevate their feet above their head while lying on your side?? It isn't easy or comfortable! Apparently there are even new schools of thought coming out that say to NEVER tuck your pelvis under you...which is what so much of yoga is and prenatal yoga is supposed to be great for you! I don't know what to think anymore...
Topic #3- Names
What should we call the baby?? Evan and I didn't have too much trouble with this but it still takes a good deal of your time thinking about it, investigating possible contenders, and agreeing on it!
Topic #4- Birthing Options
This has been more my decision than Evan's since I will be the one going through it but I want Evan to be comfortable with whatever I choose too so his opinion still matters. After researching all the options out there it seems very overwhelming at times to really imagine the whole thing! I didn't have a hard time choosing my ideal birth plan but picking and choosing second and third options (in case of a non-perfect scenario) has been hard. I can only imagine trying to make these decisions without ever having seen information on them and while experiencing some of the greatest pain in your life...yeah like that is going to be a well thought out decision!
Topic #5- Products to Buy
Our registry took a LONG time to research and choose all those things that we "think" will get so much use. I spent two straight weeks researching cloth diapers alone and I am talking about every unplanned minute was spent at the computer! Apparently, all of these things depend on your baby's physical size and shape and their personality (which of course is impossible to determine at this stage). At least that is what I got from all the contradicting reviews...
Topic #6-What will we do for money?
LOL! This one has got to be one of the top topics. It seems like every conversation about after the baby arrives comes back to that but I think it will all turn out fine. :-)
Topic #7- Parenting
Get ready for lots of conversations about what to do with the unruly teenager that is about to pop out. Haha... just kidding. But in all reality, Evan and I do discuss everything from when our child is an infant to what extracurriculars we will put them in to what we will do about our sullen teenager. I think in most of our scenarios we are projecting our own experiences onto the kid, which should be a kick to our parents who actually had to deal with us.
That is really all I can think of right now. I'm exhausted and ready to sleep. This baby has been growing the past few days and my skin feels really tight on the sides of my stomach. I can't wait till tomorrow to see our little one again!