July 2017 |
July 2018 |
Dearest Junebug,
Our first summer in our new house was so much fun. As a brand new 2 year old, you loved being outside and playing in our yard. You loved (and still do) that we could walk to so many places from our new house. The way you ask if we can walk there is always so hopeful, "Can we walk there? or do we have to vroom there?" lol You still use "vroom" when talking about driving somewhere. Just the other day when you were tired you told me you were "ready to vroom". ๐ We went hiking, berry picking, camping at Rainier and at the beach, to the county fair, had fun at the fountain downtown, and had a beautiful beach day at Cannon Beach with friends. We also hosted our first 4th of July Parade and party celebration (since we are on the parade route now).
just an average day... |
Snuggles with Papa |
Your best impression of Mama at Baby Boot Camp |
You love books and will quietly sit and "read" them for hours. |
This year has seen your first dance class, your eye surgery, you've
learned how to ride your tricycle with ease, and you finished up bfing in January. You've grown so much in
this past year. I feel like I brought you to this house as a baby, or at most a
little toddler, and now you are three... going on sixteen. I am struck
by your maturity at times (and other times, not so much ๐) You really loved your dance classes this year and both your father and I feel you are a natural. You have rhythm and style... and you obviously love it.
๐look at those baby cheeks and rolls ๐ |
You have to wear an eye patch for 1-2 hours each day. |
Your eye surgery in January was one of the scariest things I've had to face to date. Yes, it is a fairly routine procedure, but especially with the first time using anethesia, there are always risks. I was terrified and you were so brave. I love you so much and just tried to hold it together until you went back, so you wouldn't see me cry. The next couple of hours were spent praying and hoping that everything would come out all right. I was so thankful when they came and got me from the waiting room and even more grateful once I had you back in my arms.
Eye exams every three months to see how your eyes are crossing and to what degree. |
Day of surgery- getting some snuggles from Leo |
Waiting for our turn |
Triage |
Eva was allowed to ride back to the OR with her. |
She was a little loopy on the drugs they had given her. |
The car ride home |
Day after the surgery- already back to dancing on stage |
I weaned you in January, not too long after your surgery. I held on a little longer to bfing because you were still allowed breast milk the morning of your surgery. It made that day much less rough as you were not allowed to eat ALL morning. Your surgery was just after noon. You were not pleased at all with weaning. It was a few months before you gave up on it. It is such a hard and conflicting emotion to wean especially when you still want that connection so much. We filled in the gaps with lots of cuddle time but it wasn't easy.

I find it really difficult to describe how incredibly cute and vibrant you are. My words just never seem to measure up to the brightness of you. Recently you dubbed yourself, the Morning Star... when your Daddy asked you why you were the "Morning Star" you got a very serious look on your face, and responded, "because I wake up first." You even made up a little song about being the morning star. You make up lots of songs, just as I did when I was little. You are so smart and very perceptive. You are my child who notices within a few minutes that I am frustrated or sad and you are quick to come with a hug or a little gift. You are such a blessing in our lives.
๐Time with Aunt Tura๐ |
Princess Anna of Arendale |

You are good at noticing small details and using them to your advantage. When you ask permission for something, you usually already have the plan in your head for how it will happen. So when I respond with, "Maybe, I'll have to see if we have ____ or ____" or " I don't think we have what we need for that." Your response is usually, "Yes we do, it's in the drawer over here." or "Look, there are lots of _____ over there." Lol, I can't get much past you.
BB has always been a favorite of yours but this year he has started laying in your lap and you love it.
You have a great sense of humor... everyday you come up with some funny new joke or face or just the way you say something. You love making your brother laugh and he thinks you are hilarious so it works out. Today, we were walking downtown and stopped for just a moment beside a large painting of a tiger. When I looked up you were standing in front of the tiger really still with your mouth open in a snarl. LOL. You were just patiently waiting for us to notice you. I just love seeing little bits of your imaginative brain at work.

This year you have been calling anyone you are playing pretend with your "darling dear" and you say it in the cutest sweetest voice. You also stroke their hair and pat their back sometimes making little circles in a gentle comforting way. You have got the "mama" vibe down. You really love switching our roles and you love to do things for me that I normally do for you. I've loved our year together and I am looking forward to the upcoming year and all the adventures we will go on.
Everyday you seem to grow, to mature, into this beautiful young lady and while I don't want to stop you from growing, sometimes I would like it to slow down, just a bit. Right now as you transition from a two year old to a three year old, you love to snuggle, to hold hands, to share your abundance of smiles, songs, dances, and glee with us. Even in your dramatic play you share exactly what you are thinking and you let us be a part of everything.
"You may hold my hand for awhile, but you hold my heart forever." | -author unknown |
Dada put you to sleep tonight, your last night as a two year old, but I have been getting snuggles all day and I sang to you in the rocking chair, Baby Mine, and I soaked up your sweet two year old self. Three years ago, I went to sleep with horrible heartburn... went to sleep in that same rocking chair we snuggled in tonight and when I woke up at 4:30 am to use the bathroom, my water broke and I knew it was your day. I was so excited to meet my little Junebug... since that day you have dazzled us with your spirit, your beauty, and your love. Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet girl! I love you forever.
Mama or Mommy